Your search for 约4维检查单是三维代制作办理 V:[kz24678] returned 43 results

PUBLICERADES 9 Jan 2024 16:33

Important phone numbers

These phone numbers can be good to note down and keep in your wallet when you are in Sweden.

PUBLICERADES 3 Nov 2023 13:01

Red warning for high water discharge in central parts of Värmland county and the coastal area of Gävleborg county

🔺 SMHI has issued a red warning for high water discharge for the coastal area of Gävleborg ond southern Västernorrland county. Snowmelt and heavy rainfall in combination with...

PUBLICERADES 3 Nov 2023 12:07

Orange warning for wind and wind in combination with snowfall

🔶 SMHI has issued an orange warning for wind in large parts of the Lapland mountains and an orange warning for wind in combination with snowfall for parts of Västerbotten. The...

PUBLICERADES 2 Nov 2023 16:33

Orange warning for wind and snow in higher terrain along the Västernorrland coast

🔶 SMHI has issued an orange warning for wind and snow in higher terrain along the Västernorrland coast from 3 November at 19:00 to 4 November at 15:00.

PUBLICERADES 2 Nov 2023 16:25

Orange for Snow in large parts of Härjedalen and small parts of Jämtland and Hälsingland

🔶 SMHI has issued a warning for snow in Orange - Snow Large parts of Härjedalen and small parts of Jämtland and Hälsingland. From the 3 November at 17:00 to 4 November at 17:00 .

PUBLICERADES 2 Nov 2023 12:52

Orange warning for snowfall in parts of Dalarna

🔶 SMHI has issued an orange warning for snowfall in parts of northwestern Dalarna. The warning is valid from 3 November 13.00 to 4 November 09.00.

PUBLICERADES 28 Aug 2023 17:52


Рівень терористичної загрози підвищено до високого. Це відповідає четвірці за п'ятибальною шкалою. Причиною є погіршення ситуації щодо загрози терористичних актів проти Швеції.

PUBLICERADES 28 Aug 2023 17:51


Poziom zagrożenia terrorystycznego został podniesiony do poziomu wysokiego. Poziom wysoki odpowiada stopniowi czwartemu w pięciostopniowej skali. Powodem podniesienia poziomu...

PUBLICERADES 28 Aug 2023 17:49


El nivel de amenaza terrorista ha sido elevado a amenaza alta. Eso equivale a un 4 en la escala de 5 niveles. El trasfondo del aumento es que han incrementado las amenazas de...

PUBLICERADES 28 Aug 2023 17:48


Die Terrorwarnstufe wurde auf eine hohe Bedrohung angehoben. Das entspricht Stufe 4 von 5 Terrorwarnstufen. Der Hintergrund ist eine verschlechterte Lage hinsichtlich der...