Your search returned 625 results

PUBLICERADES 10 Oct 2023 18:26

What can you do?

Read about what you, as a private person, can do to improve preparedness for changes in the climate. There are also tips on how you can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas...

PUBLICERADES 10 Oct 2023 18:25

How Sweden works with climate adaptation

Adaptation efforts concerning a warmer climate take place in Swedish society at different levels and in many different areas.

PUBLICERADES 10 Oct 2023 18:25

Sweden's climate goals

In 2017, Sweden's Riksdag adopted a climate policy framework which consists of climate goals, climate legislation and a climate policy council.

PUBLICERADES 10 Oct 2023 18:23

Climate change

The climate of the earth and Sweden is getting warmer. This increases the risk of extreme weather, natural disasters and other disturbances in society. Read about how society is...

PUBLICERADES 23 Sep 2023 14:18

The rescue service about a large landslide on the E6 in Stenungsund

A major landslide has occurred on road E6 at Stenungsund. According to the rescue services, the landslide is approximately 150 meters long. A number of people and vehicles as...

PUBLICERADES 18 Sep 2023 15:30

🔶 Orange warning regarding wind and snow in Norrbotten county

SMHI has issued an orange warning regarding wind and snow in Norrbotten county. Snowfall in combination with wind that can create problems in car and train traffic.

PUBLICERADES 28 Aug 2023 17:52


Рівень терористичної загрози підвищено до високого. Це відповідає четвірці за п'ятибальною шкалою. Причиною є погіршення ситуації щодо загрози терористичних актів проти Швеції.

PUBLICERADES 28 Aug 2023 17:51


Poziom zagrożenia terrorystycznego został podniesiony do poziomu wysokiego. Poziom wysoki odpowiada stopniowi czwartemu w pięciostopniowej skali. Powodem podniesienia poziomu...

PUBLICERADES 28 Aug 2023 17:49


El nivel de amenaza terrorista ha sido elevado a amenaza alta. Eso equivale a un 4 en la escala de 5 niveles. El trasfondo del aumento es que han incrementado las amenazas de...

PUBLICERADES 28 Aug 2023 17:48


Die Terrorwarnstufe wurde auf eine hohe Bedrohung angehoben. Das entspricht Stufe 4 von 5 Terrorwarnstufen. Der Hintergrund ist eine verschlechterte Lage hinsichtlich der...