Important Public Announcement There is 1 messages

applies to, Uppsala län

Important Public Announcement in Uppsala län:

Updated: 15 Feb 2025 15:47

Important public announcement for Uppsala County. An extensive snowstorm has led to several major traffic accidents in a short period of time and it creates a great burden on the healthcare system. Region Uppsala therefore urges the public to avoid going out into traffic. For more information listen to Sveriges Radio P4 Uppland.

Sveriges Radio


Following a large number of explosions in residential buildings in Stockholm county as well as in in other parts of the country, the Police advises the public to be vigilant.

Those who are outside in the evenings and at night should call 112 if they have seen anything that could be related to a serious crime.

In several cases, the explosions are suspected to be motivated by extortion against businesses or people linked to businesses and their families. The Police urge business owners affected by extortion to contact the police directly and not to pay out any money.

Hand grenades and powerful pyrotechnics or fireworks are increasingly being used for such attacks. If you find a suspected hand grenade, contact the Police immediately. Do not touch the object, keep your distance and make sure that others do the same.

For those affected

Victims of crime can seek support from a number of sources. The health services provide help for physical and psychological problems. The social services in your municipality must ensure that you receive support and help if you have been the victim of a crime. The Crime Victims Authority (”Brottsoffermyndigheten”) has information on where to turn if you need support.

Exploited by criminals

Parents can prevent children and young people from being drawn into crime by being present, asking inquisitive questions and listening actively. Take an interest in what your children do in their free time and who they socialise with. Pay attention to changes in behaviour and new, unfamiliar acquaintances.

This information comes from the Police.