
Evacuation means moving people from an area if there is a danger to their life and health. An evacuation may need to happen quickly and it is a good idea to think about what you might need to take with you in advance.

In Sweden, we have not yet had to evacuate large residential areas. But climate change and an uncertain world mean that we need to be prepared for it. Events that could lead to evacuation include floods, fires, nuclear accidents or war.

How will I know if I need to evacuate?

If an area needs to be evacuated, the authorities will issue an Important Public Announcement, IPA. Follow the authorities' instructions and listen to Swedish Radio P4 for more information. If the internet is working, you can also search for information on your municipality's website or here on Krisinformation.se.

Who decides on evacuation?

In the event of an accident or fire, the decision to evacuate is usually taken by the emergency services. The police may also decide to evacuate if, for example, there is a disturbance of order or security. In the event of a release of radioactive substances, there are special procedures. Read about them on the page about nuclear accidents.

What do I need to bring with me if I need to evacuate?

You will need to take the essentials with you in order to be away for a longer period of time. Think about this in advance and keep important items and documents in a place where you can find them quickly.

Suggestions on what to take with you:

  • ID documents
  • medicines and aids such as glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, dosettes, walkers
  • something to eat and drink
  • warm clothes
  • bank cards
  • cash
  • EU health insurance card
  • bank card/bank ID
  • mobile phone + charger
  • keys
  • computer + power supply
  • prescription for medicines
  • charger for your mobile phone to use in the car
  • list (on paper) of important phone numbers
  • battery or crank radio + extra batteries
  • registration certificates for all vehicles, title deeds, marriage certificates, list of bank accounts, etc.
  • insurance documents for home, persons, other assets, vehicles, pets
  • hygiene items
  • map, compass

Source: The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)