Important Public Announcement There is 1 messages

applies to, Uppsala län

Important Public Announcement in Uppsala län:

Updated: 15 Feb 2025 15:47

Important public announcement for Uppsala County. An extensive snowstorm has led to several major traffic accidents in a short period of time and it creates a great burden on the healthcare system. Region Uppsala therefore urges the public to avoid going out into traffic. For more information listen to Sveriges Radio P4 Uppland.

Sveriges Radio

Leaving criminal life

Those who have chosen to leave organised crime and are considered to be in need of society’s support and protection may be helped in a defection programme.
Fotbollsplan i strålkastarljus.

The Police and other authorities want to help more people to leave organised crime. Help is available for children and adults. These, so-called defection programmes, make up an important part of community crime prevention which aims to increase security and reduce violence in society.

To get in touch with a programme where you live, contact the municipality’s social services. 

You can also call the Police switchboard 114 14 and ask for the local defection coordinator (“avhopparsamordningen”).

In case of emergency or ongoing crime, always call 112.