Landslides and avalanches

Landslides and avalanches can affect you as a homeowner. Make sure you know how stable the ground is where you live. If you live near a slope facing a watercourse, there are some things to consider.
Avstängd väg i fjällmiljö med ett stenblock som har rasat i bakgrunden.

Your municipality's technical office can answer questions about how stable the ground is where you live. 

Living near a slope facing a watercourse

Keep the following in mind:

  • Pay attention to changes in the slope. This could be, for example, trees that start to lean or pieces of soil that start to slide.
  • Avoid dumping garden waste down the slope - this can increase the load and smother the vegetation holding the soil in place. Snow piles dumped on the slope can also increase the load and meltwater can wear down the soil.
  • Make sure that the soil around a water outlet in a slope is protected with gravel. Otherwise, the water can dig out and wash away the soil.
  • Avoid loading the slope with heavy objects such as parked cars, excavated material and wood piles - this reduces the risk of landslides.