
Symptom-free children should stay at home if someone in the family has Covid-19

Even young children living with someone who has Covid-19 should stay at home according to the Public Health Agency of Sweden, which is changing its recommendations.

The recommendation previously applied to older students, such as those in upper-secondary school.

"The purpose of the change is to create peace of mind in the workplace and make it possible to focus on educational work in schools. We hope that the recommendation can allay the concerns we know many teachers and other personnel have felt about having children living with Covid-infected people on school premises," says Britta Björkholm, Head of Department at the Public Health Agency of Sweden.

The Public Health Agency of Sweden would like to emphasise that the assessment of children's low level of contagiousness, that they generally experience mild symptoms and that they are not driving the spread of infection remains.

Read more at Public Health Agency of Sweden (In Swedish) - Deleted link

Sources: Folkhälsomyndigheten, Public Health Agency

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