Important Public Announcement There is 1 messages

applies to, Uppsala län

Important Public Announcement in Uppsala län:

Updated: 15 Feb 2025 15:47

Important public announcement for Uppsala County. An extensive snowstorm has led to several major traffic accidents in a short period of time and it creates a great burden on the healthcare system. Region Uppsala therefore urges the public to avoid going out into traffic. For more information listen to Sveriges Radio P4 Uppland.

Sveriges Radio

New confirmed case of COVID-19 in Sweden

A person currently being treated at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg has proved to have been infected with the new coronavirus, according to the Public Health Agency of Sweden. The person is doing fine.

The Public Health Agency of Sweden ("Folkhälsomyndigheten") states that the person has recently visited northern Italy, and fell ill three days after having returned to Sweden, experiencing fever and respiratory symptoms. The patient sought help from the Infections clinic, and the results of routine tests on Wednesday 26 February proved to be positive. According to the assessment of Smittskydd Västra Götaland, the person became infected in Italy.

The patient is currently being treated at the Infections clinic at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. The person has been admitted to the hospital for observation, and is doing fine.

"We are not expecting to see new cases of covid-19. The Public Health Agency and the Health Service have established procedures to deal with cases like this in a good and safe way so that the infection is not spread to others. It is important to remember that there is a difference between individual cases and the spread of infection in society. That is not taking place in Sweden", said State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell of the Public Health Agency.