
Stricter general recommendations in Gävleborg and Västernorrland

The number of cases of Covid-19 has increased sharply in the counties of Gävleborg and Västernorrland. As a result, stricter general recommendations are being introduced from today to reduce the spread of Covid-19. The stricter recommendations are applicable until 13 december but may be extended.

As of 16 November, everyone in Gävleborg and Västernorrland Counties is encouraged to:

  • If possible, physical contact with people other than those with whom you live should be avoided. This means, among other things, advice against arranging or taking part in parties or similar social gatherings.
  • You should also avoid certain types of activities if they are impossible to carry out with physically distancing yourself from other people, such as contact sports, healthcare or beauty treatments that are not for medical reasons.
  • Refrain from visits to indoor environments such as shops, shopping centres, museums, libraries, swimming pools and gyms. Necessary visits to grocery stores and pharmacies are allowed.
  • Refrain from participating in gatherings such as meetings, concerts, performances, sports training, matches and competitions. However, this does not apply to sports training for children and young people born in 2005 or later.
  • Necessary close contact is allowed, for example during healthcare visits and medical examinations.
  • Refrain from making unnecessary trips. Trips within or between regions can contribute to increasing the spread of infection because you often meet new people, which results in the start of new chains of infection. One should therefore refrain from such travel insofar as possible. This advice is not intended to prevent people from, for example, going to work, studies/employment or care that requires you to be on site

The decision also includes stricter general recommendations for workplaces and businesses – such as shops, shopping centres and sports facilities – in Gävleborg, and Västernorrland Counties:

  • All businesses should take steps to ensure that each and every one can follow the general recommendations. Employers should take measures such as encouraging personnel to work from home, offering more opportunities for remote work and postponing business travel, conferences and other physical meetings. Other businesses can minimise the number of visitors present on their premises at the same time, adapt opening hours or offer digital alternatives

The stricter recommendations are applicable until 13 december 2020 but may be extended.

Continued audience limit of 50 people

The county administrative boards of Gävleborg and Västernorrland have decided to keep the audience limit at 50 people. This decision applies from 18 November to 13 November, with the possibility of extension.

More information from Folkhälsomyndigheten (in Swedish) (Deleted link)

More information about audience limit from Gävleborg County (in Swedish) (Deleted link)

More information about audience limit from Västernorrland County (in Swedish) (Deleted link)