Thin ice alert for Uppsala, Stockholm, Södermanland, Jönköping, Örebro, Dalarna, Västmanland, Värmland and Kronoberg counties
The general public is urged not to embark on ice-covered lakes and watercourses in Uppsala County, Stockholm County, Södermanland County, Jönköping County, Dalarna County, Västmanland County, Örebro County, Värmland County and Kronoberg County. The warm spring weather means that the ice on lakes and watercourses is weak and dangerous, and there is a high risk of accidents.
The alert that the general public not go out on ice-covered lakes and watercourses comes from the Fire & Rescue Service, the Police, the Uppsala, Stockholm and Jönköping regions, and the administrative boards of Uppsala, Stockholm, Södermanland, Örebro, Dalarna, Västmanland, Värmland, Jönköping and Kronoberg counties.
Sources: Länsstyrelsen, Polisen