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Viktigt meddelande till allmänheten i Skåne län:

Updated: 9 Dec 2024 07:36

Viktigt meddelande till allmänheten i Malmö, Skåne län. Ett misstänkt farligt föremål har påträffats vid en butik på Hyllie allé i Hyllievång i Malmö. Platsen är avspärrad och nationella bombskyddet på väg. Allmänheten uppmanas att hålla avstånd från platsen alternativt att hålla sig inomhus med fönster och dörrar stängda. För mer information lyssna på Sveriges Radio P4 Malmöhus.

Sveriges Radio

Temporary entry ban from Norway

The Swedish government is extending the temporary entry ban that already applies for Denmark to also apply from Norway. The entry ban takes effect at midnight on the night of Monday 25 January and is valid until 14 February.

The government has also decided that the temporary entry ban from Denmark and the United Kingdom will be extended until 14 February.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is also reintroducing the warning against all non-essential travel to Norway.

The Norwegian health authorities fear a major outbreak in the Oslo area with the variant of the virus that originates in the United Kingdom.

The Swedish Public Health Agency makes the assessment that the feared outbreak in combination with the extensive shutdowns may entail a risk that many people will cross to the Swedish side of the border.

This increases the risk of congestion in nearby Swedish municipalities and thus also the risk that the mutated virus will spread further in Sweden.

The entry ban from Norway is designed in the same way as what already applies to Denmark. The same exception applies, which means that, among other things, persons living or performing work in Sweden, personnel transporting goods and other personnel in the transport sector and persons with urgent family reasons are excluded.


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