
Orange warning for wind and snow in Dalsland

Update 31/12 at 09.10: The warning has been extended in time and now applies from 19:00 New Year's Eve until 2/1 at 08:00. During this time occasional heavy snowfall with fresh easterly wind which can cause problems in traffic.

The original warning only applied from the night to New Year's Day.

Snow will move in late on New Year's Eve and intensify on New Year's Day as we get an increasing easterly wind. During New Year's Day, occasional heavy snowfall and fresh easterly wind with strong gusts. There may be a total of 20-30 cm, locally possibly more.

How can this affect me?

  • Very limited accessibility on roads, especially in open landscapes, that, for example, has not been cleared of snow or due to traffic accidents.
  • Delays in bus-, train- and air traffic as well as canceled departures.
  • Likely power outage in areas with overground power lines, which also affects mobile networks for telecommunications.
Source: smhi

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