Important Public Announcement There is 1 messages

applies to, Uppsala län

Important Public Announcement in Uppsala län:

Updated: 15 Feb 2025 15:47

Important public announcement for Uppsala County. An extensive snowstorm has led to several major traffic accidents in a short period of time and it creates a great burden on the healthcare system. Region Uppsala therefore urges the public to avoid going out into traffic. For more information listen to Sveriges Radio P4 Uppland.

Sveriges Radio

News for december


Orange warning for wind and snow west of lake Vättern

During Monday, occasional heavy snowfall with fresh easterly wind which can cause problems in traffic. The warning applies from 1 January at…


Orange warning for wind and snow in Dalsland

Update 31/12 at 09.10: The warning has been extended in time and now applies from 19:00 New Year's Eve until 2/1 at 08:00. During this time occasional heavy snowfall with fresh easterly wind which can cause problems in traffic.


Important public announcement in Västmanland

Update 25 December 18.55: The announcement about smoke from a fire in Västerås is no longer valid.


Weather warning: Rising sea levels in Skåne and Halland

The Swedish weather agency SMHI has issued a weather warning (orange, the second most severe) for southern Halland and north-west Skåne.


Shooting in the center of Prague

A shooting has occurred in the central parts of Prague in the Czech Republic. People in the area are advised to follow the advice and instructions of local authorities.


Orange warning for high sea level

🔶 The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, SMHI, has issued a orange wheather warning regarding high sea levels on the coastal stretch between Malmö and Varberg in western Skåne and southern Halland.


Orange weather warning because of intense snowfall in Gävleborg

🔶 The Swedish weather agency SMHI has issued an orange level warning because of heavy snowfall in southern parts Gävleborg county. The warning is valid from midnight on Friday.


Volcanic eruption in Iceland

A major volcanic eruption has occurred on the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland. The eruption followed a strong earthquake north of the town of Grindavik at around 9pm on Monday evening. The eruption does not present a threat to life.


Orange weather warning regarding wind and snow in the alpine region

🔶 In Northern Jämtlandsfjällen and southernmost Västerbottensfjällen very strong westerly winds are expected together during tuesday with heavy snowfall, which may, among other things, lead to reduced visibility.


Weather warning regarding strong winds and snowfall in the mountains

The Swedish weather authority SMHI has issued an orange level warning for wind in combination with snowfall for Lapplandsfjällen and northern parts of Jämtlandsfjällen. The warning is valid from Saturday evening.


Important Public Announcement for Härryda

Update December 3th, 18.30: The message is no longer in effect. The warning has been withdrawn.


Important Public Announcement for Vagnhärad

Update December 2th, 10.30: The message is no longer in effect. The warning has been withdrawn.